Gregg Biggs
The Indianapolis Civil War Round Table welcomes back Civil War speaker, scholar,
author, editor, and tour guide, Greg Biggs. Mr. Biggs is author of books on
the Civil War flags of Alabama and Georgia as well as numerous articles in Blue
& Gray Magazine, Civil War Regiments, American Vexillum online magazine.
He has also served as Associate editor for Blue & Gray Magazine.
He has been Vice President and President of several Civil War Round Tables,
and is currently President of the Clarksville, Tennessee CWRT, the Montgomery
Civil War Preservation Society, and Friends of Fort Donelson. He has shared
billing with Ed Bearss on National Battlefield tours. As many will recall, Mr.
Biggs addressed the Indianapolis Civil War Round Table two years ago on the
topic of Napoleonic influence on Civil War cavalry, and was the tour guide for
ICWRT June 2004 Atlanta Battlefield bus tour.